noonherd: “xmm v sweat”

these sweatless motherfuckers how their rebond red hair go down how / their cheeks pink pink like zao an flower emoji how / in their loud fila slides they just / zhe ge na ge the heck out of their cai / fan fan speed zero air con temp high eh sis your house so good got air con one ah remember / last time primary school you come over do / homework you / complain so much say you feel like you finish running two point four complain for / what / sia your worksheet got pilot g6 smudge my fault ah everyday / i live like this one no / ya we just listen to the uwu / bird at ass o clock midnight / also it go uwu uwu my mother say she want to go kill that fuck / i tell you is the

fan / i tell you you know the mrt got that one the / BIG / ASS / FAN / you go see then chinese new year all the / xmm go stand underneath then / the love bonito dress suddenly got stain stain curry stain tenderfresh wing stop mala xiangguo mookata orto noodle haidilao but never sweat never submit / themselves to shame shame puppy shame cry cry endocrine the only thing you / need a fan for is the aesthetic / of a sunsilk commercial / sun cannot silk it makes silk go bad weaken the fibres causes damage but these sweat / less mother fuck / er zhe ge that / na ge / this / na wei shen me cannot / that uwu bird that / canteen uncle at six am that / primary school classmate who had no money in her my little pony wallet that / manicured nail on phone screen that / face in cai fan queue that / unrecognition / that / sweat in my eye

Noonherd  is a young brown writer. She is a student at the National University of Singapore. Her works have been published or are forthcoming in various literary magazines such as  Mahogany Journal,  sploosh!,  Antifragile Zine, and  Kopi Break Poetry. Apart from creative writing, she also dabbles in other art mediums such as photography and music. Find more of her works at and connect with her at  or on Instagram at


Nnadi Samuel: “Pixelated Bodies”